Monday, July 14, 2014


     Smoke from the Canadian wildfires has been enhancing our sunsets this week and making my evening walks more beautiful.  I was out Thursday night when I encountered an "other worldly" gorgeously spectacular sunset...why,why didn't I have my camera!!  A massive glowing orb, surrounded by clouds of every shade of white, gray, peach, pink and purple...brushed on to the sky by what looked like a maniac's paint brush.  An open manganese blue sky hole shaped like an eye circled the sun while orange iridescent sun rays flitted outward from the top of the eye like a fringe of eyelash.  Did you happen to see it too?  And if this wasn't enough...the western sky competed with the east...which was brightened by a largess of a full moon beaming behind backlit swiftly moving pastel clouds.  So, so dramatically lovely...I wish you could have been there with me :)

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